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academics.com: Career Advice

Get an overview of what academics.com has to offer, organised by country, position and topic.

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Explore our comprehensive guide covering essential aspects of professional development in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Discover insights into working culture, the intricacies of higher education, salary dynamics, effective job application strategies and job listings.

Germany is great place for science and research. Here, we have compiled vital information about academic career levels and opportunities in Germany – including university studies, doctorate programs, the postdoc phase and achieving a professorship at a university or a university of applied sciences (HAW).

Working woman in her home office

Our extensive thematic guide covers essential aspects of professional development in Germany. Explore insights into working culture, the intricacies of the higher education system, salary dynamics, effective job application strategies and diverse job profiles. The academics.com thematic guide is a valuable resource for achieving professional success in Germany.

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